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12:1  But about spiritual things my brethren, I want you to know,
12:2  That you were pagans and you were being led without discrimination to those idols which have no voice.
12:3  Because I inform you of this: there is no man who speaks by The Spirit of God and says, “Yeshua is damned”, neither can a man say, “Yeshua is THE LORD JEHOVAH”, except by The Spirit of Holiness.
12:4  But there are diversities of gifts, however The Spirit is One.
12:5  And there are diversities of ministries, however, THE LORD JEHOVAH is One.
12:6  And there is a diversity of miracles, but God is One who works all in every person.
12:7  But the revelation of The Spirit is given to each man as He helps him.
12:8  There is given to him by The Spirit a word of wisdom, but to another the word of knowledge by The Spirit;
12:9  To another faith by The Spirit; to another the gift of healing by The Spirit;
12:10  But to another, miracles and to another, prophecy; to another discernment of spirits; to another, kinds of languages; to another, translation of languages;
12:11  But all these things, that One Spirit does and distributes to every person as he pleases.
12:12  For in like manner, because the body is one and there are many members in it, while all of them are many members, they are one body; thus also is The Messiah.
12:13  For we also are baptized by The One Spirit into one body, whether Jews or Aramaeans or Servants or free men, and we are all made to drink The One Spirit.
12:14  For also the body is not one member, but many.
12:15  For if a foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body”, is it therefore not of the body?
12:16  And if an ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I am not of the body”, is it therefore not of the body?
12:17  For if all the body were an eye, where would the hearing be? And if it all were hearing, how would there be smell?
12:18  But now God has set everyone of the members in the body just as he has chosen.
12:19  But if they were all one member, where is the body?
12:20  But now there are many members, but the body is one.
12:21  The eye cannot say to the hand, “I do not need you”; neither can the head say to the feet, “I do not need you.”
12:22  But all the more, those members that are considered weak, on the contrary are needful.
12:23  And those which we think are shameful in the body, we increase greater honor to these and for those that are contemptible we make greater attire.
12:24  But those members which we honor do not need honor, for God unites the body and he has given greater honor to the small members,
12:25  Lest there would be divisions in the body; but all the members should be caring equally one for another.
12:26  So now, when one member shall suffer, all of them shall share the pain. And if one member rejoices, all the members shall rejoice.
12:27  But you are the body of The Messiah and members in your places.
12:28  For God has set first in his church, Apostles; after them Prophets; after them, Teachers; after them, miracle workers; after them, gifts of healing, helpers, leaders, different languages.
12:29  Are they all Apostles? Are they all Prophets? Are they all Teachers? Are they all miracle workers?
12:30  Do all have gifts of healing? Do all of them speak with languages, or do all of them translate?
12:31  But if you are zealous for great gifts, I again shall show you a better way.